Your dreams. Our expertise.
We’ve got this.

At Topsfield Financial Group we understand everyone measures wealth differently. We believe our job is to learn what it means to you and then help you achieve the financial dreams you envision.

We’re on a mission to help hardworking people from all walks of life realize the value of financial planning and investing.


Our planning process pairs your financial situation with your personal values and goals.


We adhere to time-tested investing principles that meet our clients’ long term expectations in the presence of low fees and transaction costs.


Make sure your assets last for the rest of your lifetime and enjoy your retirement as you would like.


Our caring financial advisors can help to bring you greater peace of mind during life’s twists and turns.

More Than An Advisor

At Topsfield Financial Group, you become part of our family — and we join yours. We use first names, remember our last discussion, and we’ll always be there for you when you need us.

As fiduciaries, our clients’ interests come first. Yet to help you get to where you need to be in the future, we need to be more than just advisors.

Our aim is to become a trusted partner — a team member you trust enough to share your story and invest your assets with. We walk your path with you, and adapt with you as life unfolds.

Happy Clients

“I’ve been with Topsfield Financial Group for about 20 years.
I trust them and I don’t really make a decision without them.”

– Mark S.

Everyone deserves quality financial planning and portfolio management.

There’s a prevailing perception that financial advisors are reserved for the wealthy.  Yet to us, “high net worth” is a relative term that means different things to different people, and we want to help you reach your goals from wherever you are today.